You ever watch the Olympics? Could be summer could be winter, both have great events. Lets look at Winter Olympics in this situation. I've seen some great single and some great double ice skating routines, I mean these skaters are GREAT! They'll have an announcer and they'll say "oooh, they made a mistake that's going to cost them a point" but the rest of the world is saying "OMG you're totally going to win this!" A lot of the time its when the TV Announcer looks at the video in slow motion and they say - oh ooh they're going to lose a point because their toes aren't exactly lined up like they should be.
When it comes to diabetes I believe other diabetics are the crowd and non-diabetics are the judges. Very quick to say "oh you can't eat that can you?" or "are you supposed to do that?"
Here's a story to prove my point:
Earlier I read the following Facebook post from my sister. Said this "Christmas blood sugars: 112, 84, 59, 130, 86, and 100..not bad huh Douglas Scalia?"
I responded: "Way better than mine!"
Some other person responded: "That 59 isn't so good for you or baby"
Chris Carter says it best, "C'mon MAN, COME ON!" 59 is low or bad? C'mon Man! I didn't say my blood sugar was 30, 45, 300, 225, 56, and then at bedtime was 100" I said it was 112, 84, 59, 130, 86 and 100!!!!!" C'Mon Ma'an that's an average of 106!!!!!! FUCK ME! What else do you want from me?
I'd fucking kill for my blood sugar average to be 106! I was going to post on the string of Facebook comments but decided to take my anger out here instead.
One little blip and we're judged, unfair but a fact of life. I shared it on my blog because I know only people with Diabetes read it or people who care about me so either way its people that understand. If someone finds this blog on accident and they don't know jack about diabetes, c'mon man, learn something and educate yourself on it. Someone tells me their blood pressure is 150 over 300 I don't say "holy shit that's fucking high" mostly because I don't know what the fuck it means!
If you don't know what you're talking about don't comment, maybe ask "Is that good or bad?" and let me explain to you how the average works out. Don't ask if you don't want to know, I'll tell you if you ask so be ready for an explanation. If you don't care, and there are things I don't understand and I don't care to understand, shut your mouth.
And with that, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Amen, brother! And what a string of stellar BG's by your sis on Christmas - she did way better than I did, that's for sure!