Here are my results for the first week of training:
Tuesday I woke up at 4:30 a.m. and my morning reading was 127, I ate a Cliff Bar and waited around the house for 30 minutes and left the door for my run at 5:00 a.m. at which point I was 114. This is a little concerning because I ate, didn't take insulin, and my blood sugar dropped. I had a 15 gram Level Foods packet and headed out. I tested during my run and at 5:20 I was going back up and hit 127 again, at the end of the run I climbed up to 156.
Tuesday doesn't make any sense, if I bolus for the 56g Carb I would bolus almost 8 units of insulin. When I got home I took a bolus for 4 units because after I usually spike and with a correction ratio of 1 - 25 I knew I was trending back up and I should take a little more to anticipate the increase. An hour later I was 243 and had to correct again for another 3 units.
In review the food would have required me to dose 7.85 and I took 7. The hard part with this decision making process is that when I have active insulin, I tend to drop FAST, and want to avoid this.
Wednesday I woke up at a similar time, this time I woke up at 65 with no feelings of being hypo. I ate a banana and a 15 g packet of Level again. Nearly 40 minutes after eating those items I left the house at 101. I also set a temp basal for 2 hours at 50% to see what different results I would have. I brought a mix with my water and that had 30 g Carb in it. 20 minutes into my run I had made it to 140 but another 15 minutes I was down to 120. Walking into the house I was 114 and felt GREAT. Another spike in my blood sugar though, an hour after my run I hit 257 and an hour later I was 45.
What is my plan for Thursday going to be, what should I do? It will depend on my blood sugar at the time but I plan to have a banana again but hopefully an hour earlier than I leave. When I leave the house I'm going to bolus 2 units so the insulin is fresh and the run will help kick it into high gear. I am hopeful I'll make my 3 miles in 36 minutes and walk in the door within range. I plan to try and not consume anything because its a short run.
Wish me luck!
I'll try and be back Saturday to share my 8 mile experience.
Good luck!!